____  _________    ____  __  _________   ____                        __              ____
   / __ \/ ____/   |  / __ \/  |/  / ____/  / __/___  _____   ____ ___  / /___  ____    / __/____
  / /_/ / __/ / /| | / / / / /|_/ / __/    / /_/ __ \/ ___/  / __ `__ \/ / __ \/ __ \  / /_/ ___/
 / _, _/ /___/ ___ |/ /_/ / /  / / /___   / __/ /_/ / /     / / / / / / / / / / /_/ / / __/ /
/_/ |_/_____/_/  |_/_____/_/  /_/_____/  /_/  \____/_/     /_/ /_/ /_/_/_/ /_/ .___(_)_/ /_/

A README file describes a project folder's structure. This enables visitors to understand the logic behind the folder's structure; to find resources as efficiently as possible; also, present the project objectives, as well as related projects.

Table of Contents

Website structure

The website's structure is described in the following sections.

(Only drilling down 2 levels.)
├── README.org
├── about.org
├── apps
│   ├── index.org
│   └── sitemap.org
├── blog
│   ├── 2022
│   ├── 2023
│   ├── 2024
│   └── index.org
├── cv.org
├── cv.txt
├── index.org
├── publish-mlnp.org
├── resources
│   ├── css-cv.org
│   ├── css-global.org
│   ├── cv.css
│   ├── favicon.png
│   ├── favicon.xcf
│   ├── global.css
│   ├── photo.jpg
│   └── topnav.html
├── sitemap.org
└── wiki
    ├── emacs
    ├── engineering
    ├── fitness
    ├── images
    ├── index.org
    ├── languages
    ├── linux
    ├── programming
    ├── sitemap.org
    └── typography

16 directories, 20 files


This is the homepage. It is displayed by default when a user accesses the mlnp.fr website.


This folder contains static resources that are copied verbatim during the website publishing process.


This file contains the entire website's styling information. During publication, this file's sections are tangled to a single stylesheet resources/global.css. This reduces website load times, as only a single HTTP request is required to obtain styling rules for the entire website. Albeit negligible, this optimization is recommended across the web.

TODO images/

This is where website images live.


This folder contains all the wiki pages. They are published at http:wiki.mlnp.fr.


This folder contains all blog posts. They are all published at http:blog.mlnp.fr.


The README file documents the website's structure, as well as pending TODO items.


DONE Ensure anchor link isn't hidden by topnav

When a user clicks a link in the table of contents, the linked heading is hidden behind the topnav bar. It should instead appear lower than the topnav, to ``reassure'' the user that they have jumped to the proper section.

DONE CSS transitions

Implement CSS transitions for menu.

DONE Pure CSS hamburger menu

Replace HTML trigram with pure CSS spans.

DONE Consolidate org publish component targets.

Too many components in org-publish-project-alist.

DONE Favicon

DONE SSL—Let's Encrypt

TODO Export resume to txt upon publishing


TODO Wiki article links on subsection homepage

Aerospace, Emacs, Linux etc. index.html pages should have links to their main articles.

Date: 2022-01-23 Sun 00:00

Author: Marius Peter

Created: 2024-01-02 Tue 19:35
